Remembering Chris Bray: Tommy Bray Irrevocable Trust

First and Foremost, THANK YOU.

Not a day goes by that we don’t think about our dear friend Chris and his passing over two years ago. The outpouring of support for Chris Bray’s son to receive the care he needs for his autism diagnosis and emotional development has meant more to us and Chris’ wife Aubrey.

The fund we established has given him the tools he needs to perform well in school and make progress towards the emotional development so crucial for children with special needs who have also suffered the deep loss of a parent.

Whether you have donated regularly or have simply shared your well wishes and prayers for Chris’ family, we are deeply grateful.

Now, We Need Your Help.

Tommy’s trust has dwindled suddenly due to the need for him and his Mom to move quickly into District 65 to maintain his enrollment in a therapeutic school that is crucial for his ongoing care. 

We know times are challenging for many of us right now, and are also hoping you can support them in any way you can. Any amount makes a difference towards his continued development with summer camps, therapy and more.

Donate Today: Thomas A. Bray Special Needs Trust Fund

Below are three different ways you can contribute to Tommy Bray's trust fund, son of our dear friend Chris who passed away suddenly during the fall of 2022.

Thomas A Bray Irrevocable Special Needs Trust Fund

1. Zelle directly to account -

2. Take a check to Chase Bank with account #436853530

3. Bring a check to the shop and we will deposit it.

Any checks need to be made out to: Thomas A Bray Special Needs Trust Fund

Your kindness and generosity mean everything to this family. Thank you for standing with us and honoring Chris’ legacy by supporting Tommy’s future.