Bacalao Fritters


  • 1 lb bacalao (salt cod),  skinless, boneless

  • 4 large eggs beaten

  • 8 tablespoons flour

  • 4 tablespoons sweet onion, grated

  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon garlic grated

  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

  • Canola oil for frying


  • Place bacalao in bowl,  cover with cold water, place in fridge, change water every hour for three hours. Remove from water, put bacalao in pot, cover with water, bring to a boil and reduce heat cover and simmer 10 minutes. Drain bacalao and cool. When cool, flake fish into small pieces. Combine flaked fish, eggs, onions, garlic, parsley and black pepper. Place in fridge. Fish mixture should stay in fridge for at least an hour. When ready to cook remove from the fridge and add flour and baking powder, mix well.

  • Heat pan for 2 to 3 minutes before adding oil and then add about 3 inches of oil to fry pan.  Make a small fritter to make sure the oil is ready. Use a small ice cream scoop or a tablespoon to scoop fritter mixture and drop into oil carefully. As soon as the fritter is light golden brown, flip on the other side, when  golden, remove and drain on paper towel lined plate.  you can put fried fritters on a cookie sheet fitted with a baking rack in a 250 degree oven to hold  while you cook more. Fritters cook fast, don't walk away.

  • Makes about 24 fritters. Fair warning, these are addicting, enjoy!